Due on Tuesday:
Simulating with Spreadsheets:
Newsvendor Problem – Setup
Simulating with Spreadsheets:
Newsvendor Problem – Setup
Newsvendor sells newspapers
on the street
§ Buys for c = $0.55 each, sells for r = $1.00 each
Each morning, buys q
§ q is a fixed number, same every day
Demand during a day: D = max (ëXù, 0)
§ X ~ normal (m = 135.7, s =
27.1), from historical data
§ ëXù rounds X to nearest integer
If D £ q, satisfy all demand, and q – D ³ 0 left over, sell for scrap at s = $0.03 each
If D > q,
sells out (sells all q copies), no scrap
§ But missed out on D – q > 0 sales
What should q be?
Newsvendor Problem – Formulation
Choose q to maximize
expected profit per day
q too small – sell out, miss $0.45 profit per paper
q too big – have left over, scrap at a loss of $0.52 per paper
Classic operations-research
Many versions, variants,
extensions, applications
Much research on exact solution
in certain cases
But easy to simulate, even in a
Profit in a day, as a
function of q:
= r min (D, q) + s max (q – D, 0) – cq
W(q) is a random variable – profit varies from day to day
Maximize E(W(q))
over nonnegative integers q
Newsvendor Problem – Simulation
Set trial value of q,
generate demand D, compute profit for that day
Then repeat this for many days
independently, average to estimate E(W(q))
Also get confidence interval,
estimate of P(loss), histogram of W(q)
Try for a range of values of q
Need to generate demand D
= max (ëXù, 0)
So need to generate X ~
normal (m = 135.7, s = 27.1)
(Much) ahead – Sec. 12.2,
generating random variates
In this case, generate X
= Fm,s(U)
U is a
random number distributed uniformly on [0, 1] (Sec. 12.1)
Fm,s is cumulative distribution
function of normal (m, s) distribtuion
Newsvendor Problem – Excel
File Newsvendor.xls
Input parameters in cells B4
– B8 (blue)
Trial values for q in
row 2 (pink)
Day number (1, 2, ..., 30)
in column D
Demands in column E for each
For each q:
“Sold” column: number of papers
sold that day
“Scrap” column: number of
papers scrapped that day
“Profit” column: profit (+, –,
0) that day
Placement of “$” in formulas to
facilitate copying
At bottom of “Profit”
columns (green):
Average profit over 30 days
Half-width of 95% confidence
interval on E(W(q))
Value 2.045 is upper 0.975
critical point of t distribution with 29 d.f.
Plot confidence intervals as
“I-beams” on left edge
Estimate of P(W(q)
< 0)
Uses COUNTIF function
Histograms of W(q)
at bottom
Vertical red line at 0, separates
profits, losses
Sample Output on Spreadsheet:
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