Rendex Official Blogsite

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Simulation in Spreadsheet - News Vendor Problem

Due on Tuesday:
Simulating with Spreadsheets:
Newsvendor Problem – Setup
          Newsvendor sells newspapers on the street
§  Buys for c = $0.55 each, sells for r = $1.00 each
          Each morning, buys q copies
§  q is a fixed number, same every day
          Demand during a day:  D = max (ëXù, 0)
§  X ~ normal (m = 135.7, s = 27.1), from historical data
§  ëXù rounds X  to nearest integer
          If D £ q, satisfy all demand, and qD ³ 0 left over, sell for scrap at s = $0.03 each
          If D > q, sells out (sells all q copies), no scrap
§  But missed out on Dq > 0 sales
          What should q be?

Newsvendor Problem – Formulation
          Choose q to maximize expected profit per day
§  q too small – sell out, miss $0.45 profit per paper
§  q too big – have left over, scrap at a loss of $0.52 per paper
          Classic operations-research problem
§  Many versions, variants, extensions, applications
§  Much research on exact solution in certain cases
§  But easy to simulate, even in a spreadsheet
          Profit in a day, as a function of q:
W(q) = r min (D, q) + s max (qD, 0) – cq
§  W(q) is a random variable – profit varies from day to day
          Maximize E(W(q)) over nonnegative integers q

Newsvendor Problem – Simulation
          Set trial value of q, generate demand D, compute profit for that day
§  Then repeat this for many days independently, average to estimate E(W(q))
        Also get confidence interval, estimate of P(loss), histogram of W(q)
§  Try for a range of values of q
          Need to generate demand D = max (ëXù, 0)
§  So need to generate X ~ normal (m = 135.7, s = 27.1)
§  (Much) ahead – Sec. 12.2, generating random variates
§  In this case, generate X = Fm,s(U)
U is a random number distributed uniformly on [0, 1] (Sec. 12.1)
Fm,s is cumulative distribution function of normal (m, s) distribtuion

Newsvendor Problem – Excel
          File Newsvendor.xls
          Input parameters in cells B4 – B8 (blue)
          Trial values for q in row 2 (pink)
          Day number (1, 2, ..., 30) in column D
          Demands in column E for each day:


          For each q:
§  “Sold” column: number of papers sold that day
§  “Scrap” column: number of papers scrapped that day
§  “Profit” column: profit (+, –, 0) that day
§  Placement of “$” in formulas to facilitate copying
          At bottom of “Profit” columns (green):
§  Average profit over 30 days
§  Half-width of 95% confidence interval on E(W(q))
        Value 2.045 is upper 0.975 critical point of t distribution with 29 d.f.
        Plot confidence intervals as “I-beams” on left edge
§  Estimate of P(W(q) < 0)
        Uses COUNTIF function
          Histograms of W(q) at bottom
Vertical red line at 0, separates profits, losses

Sample Output on Spreadsheet:

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